Minecraft – Will replacing the default player skin interfere with the premium profile skin


I have made a custom skin. If I want to go and change the original Steve texture in the game files, would it mess up my skin I have made and uploaded to my Minecraft profile? My friend wants to try something involving replacing the default Steve skin and I don't want him to mess up my custom skin in the process.

Best Answer

Think of it this way:

The default skin, the Steve skin, is like a sock pulled over the frame of the Player Model. Then any custom skin you apply, is like another sock over the top of that.

If you change the Steve skin, because you still have a custom skin over the top, you'll still just see the custom skin (the sock on the outside).

The only thing that might affect your custom skin, is if you add a "helmet" to the Steve skin. To explain: on some skins, players have added things like a hood or headphones, that sit on another layer. If this is applied to the Steve Skin, that will show up on your custom skin.

However, I don't believe it is actually possible to do that.