Minecraft Java Edition – Minecraft Not Running Due to RAM Limit Changes: Solutions


I have a computer with 8GB of ram. With this I can play with a distance of 16 chunks (200+ fps), and now I want to try to play with far distance. However, I need to increase the RAM amount in the profile properties tab.
When I set the ram to 2G, the game won't run.

Java settings for the profile:
javaw -Xmx2048 -Xms1024

I have installed 64-bit java in my computer.

Why I can't set more RAM?

If it is useful:
The profile is vannilla minecraft (no mods).
It doesn't start.

Best Answer

Looks like the launcher is using 32-bit Java instead. If you have the correct Java version installed, it should look like this:

Minecraft Launcher - Profile Editor Screenshot

where Executable option points to the 64-bit Java executable file (either java.exe or javaw.exe).