Minecraft – Would 1.6.4 mods work in an 1.7.2 modpack


I'm creating a modpack on the Technic Launcher, and I set the client to 1.7.2

However, a few of the mods I downloaded only tout support for version 1.6.4. will they still work in the launcher? Or is there a way of updating them or a program/mod that you put in with them to make it work?

I'm using Forge 1.7.2 as well.

Best Answer

To paraphrase Martin Sojka: No.

The reason is that, unlike what Timelord suggested, minecraft mods don't alter assets. Most mods for games take the existing level data, or textures, or data files and change them in small ways.

Minecraft mods on the other hand are entire pieces of new code that are run in the game, and while a game developer will keep the loading of data the same between versions (cause otherwise they'd have to do over all their work as well). With code you don't do that because there's no benefit as a developer, you don't change things for the sake of changing them but you generally don't care (much) about mods either.

1.7 especially made a really big change in preparation for 1.8: They did away with the primary method of looking up items. Where in old versions of minecraft you went "Give the player block id 1" to give them a stone, now it's "Give the player minecraft:stone".


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