Minecraft(ftb) lags with fps of 100/200


I am playing minecraft feed the beast with the Direwolf20 pack, and I got all settings maxed.
With this settings I get with an AMD R9 290 around 100/200 FPS.
But even with this much fps, it looks like 20/40 fps, although fraps says 100/200.
What could be the problem?
I got the latest version of java and drivers.

Best Answer

The reason you feel like your fps is lower than your 'f3' debug screen shows is because your computer can't handle more than a set amount of fps. That is set by the amount of hertz, or hz you have.

Most computer run at 60hz, and that's what you probably have for your computer.

A few better computers run at 75hz, which is normally for special work engines (geek speech for a great computer). That's what I have on my computer.

And then there are the beastly gaming computers that cost a fortune... They can run about 144 fps on their games.

To check which of the three common types of computers you have, you can visit this search page for more information. It will also help you change your monitor frequency if you can.

I hope I helped!