Missing watch-guess/guess phase


Quite often, I don't get the chance to watch my opponent guess my word or to guess theirs; when I click "play" I just get given a choice of words to draw. Our success streak doesn't reset, but I'm not sure if it increments either.

Is there something one of us is doing wrong, or is this a known/common issue?

Best Answer

This tends to happen when you leave the game in a mid-turn state as suggested by JohnoBoy. I have even had it skip me guessing their word and going right on to select (Since I have a few high streaks though this was disconcerting to me).

I found that, on the iPad, finding the constantly running application and shutting it down, then starting the app back up again fixed the issue, let me see the person guess my word again and then me guess there's and Then pick a new word... which really sucked.

But anywho, removing the app from memory generally will reset the position of the turn between you and the other person.