Mod or console command which will allow me to push followers out of the way


Right, so I read the similar question and the answers were pretty much everything I've done to get past them. What I want to know is if there is a console command or mod or something else that lets you push these nefarious followers out of your way. By followers I mean everything: followers, thralls, dogs, atronachs, etc.

To emphasize: I'm aware of ways to make them to move somewhere specific, what I want is a way to enable me to push them out of the way or move through them or otherwise keep them entirely out of the way.

Best Answer

I think this is the mod you're looking for:

Move it Dammit!

Move it Dammit! image

If Companions or Creatures are in a doorway, sometimes they don't move far enough and continue to block your way..

This esp will tell them to walk around double the distance away from you rather than default values. If there is no way forward they will walk around you in a circle, so ensure there's room for them.

Move it Dammit! also has a 'Less Wait Time' version, that should make the follower move almost instantly upon bumping them.

Also, try its optional add-on:

Stop Bumping into Me!

Keeps your Companions and Creatures at a more managable Distance while still keeping up for Battle detection. also from running - walk - stop is more immediate...