Mod Organizer says Skyrim files are unmanaged


I'm switching from the Nexus Mod Manager to the Mod Organizer to manage my Skyrim mods. I followed this set of videos to get acquainted with it:

It's a good resource.

I installed Skyrim from scratch, pure blank vanilla skyrim (I have all DLC and high res texture packs). When I install Mod Organizer, it does not look the same as the videos: All the default content appears to be unmanaged. It says: "Unmanaged:" before the mod names even though in the Archives tab on the right pane the "Have MO manage archives" selector is checked and they are uncheckable.

How to I have Mod Organizer manage them? The list of mods (in the left pane) currently looks like this:

Mod Name                         Flags  Category  Version  Priority
Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03   -     Non-MO             0
Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02   -     Non-MO             1
Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01  +-     Non-MO             2
Unmanaged: HearthFires           +-     Non-MO             3
Unmanaged: Dragonborn            +-     Non-MO             4
Unmanaged: Dawnguard             +      Non-MO             5

I am using version 1.2.14.

Best Answer

That's completely fine. From my experience, any Official DLC will be listed as Unmanaged, as it is not a mod itself and was never installed by Mod Manager itself. It can still edit the load order if you wish. This is from a recent version of MO, so that's why the old video does not display it.

The Nexus Mod Manager doesn't include this piece of info

TL;DR Its completely fine, it just means those parts were never installed by MO. Just continue as normal

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