Most convenient method to switch between PSN accounts to access PS Vita content from different Playstation Stores


I have a Japanese PSN account, as well as a US PSN account.
On my PS3, I get the best of both world since I have access to Japanese Playstation Store as well as US Playstation Store. I can purchase and download new region specific demos and games, and use them from my both accounts.

I want to do the same on my PS Vita.
However, it seems we do not have that much freedom on PS Vita.
First of all, I cannot add a second Playstation account on PS Vita, therefore I cannot directly access a second store.
I tried to download contents on my PS3 first, and then to send it to my PS3 : I obtained an error message telling me I could not do this because my PS3 Vita account was not the owner of that content.

I think there are two methods to get content from both Playstation Stores :
– 1 : format my PS Vita and recreate the account info (as well as network connections info, etc) for the other region every time I want to use content from a different region
– 2 : buy a new PS Vita Memory Card and save my alternate account information on this card, then save region specific content on this card. When I want to switch region, I then need to change the small memory card (so small.. hope I won't break it.. Or lose it)
Am I correct ? Are there any restrictions or problems with these methods ?
Is there a more clever or convenient way of switching between accounts ?

Thanks for any suggestion !

Best Answer

You can have two different memory cards, one for each user, but you will need to do a factory reset each time you swtich your memory cards, see the following video, courtesy of IGN: