Multiplayer. Guy shoot at me. Misses. I die


The new call of duty 3 on multiplayer is extremely fun to play, with the new added specialist features,thrust jumping and better balancing of weapons it makes quite the experience to play. I only have one BIG issue:

First thing you should know I play it on the PlayStation 3 version. So, its quite irritating when I shoot at someone (using a weevil) get like 5 or 7 hits and they don't die but a lot of the times when I am being shot at (and this is my main concern) the opponent misses completely, maybe getting one hit on my torso (most of the times using a smg), yet…I die? So does anyone else experience this problem? Is this a glitch or Need I to upgrade my internet speed?

Also note when this problem occurs there are no lagging present.

Best Answer

Networks function similarly to this oversimplified scheme:

Player A sends information (bullet) to Server then calculates whether it hit or not (based on the next position predicted by the server). Server sends information Player B that he was hit or not.

What you're experiencing is a game without synchronized shooting, meaning that, you don't need to hit the 'body', but where the body will be. Due to that, you don't need to actually hit people, just try to predict (usually a few pixels in front of them, depending on both of your pings) where he is on HIS computer. With that said, use weapons that shoot a lot of bullets in order to have a higher hit ratio