MW3: Care Package Specialities


In Black Ops, care packages sometimes contained bonuses like the grim reaper or the death machine. Does Modern Warfare 3 have any special features with their care packages, or are they all available pointstreak items?

I should note I'm playing the wii version, which doesn't have all the PS3/XBOX features.


Best Answer

There aren't any care package drops which aren't also point streak rewards themselves. In fact, care package drops from the Assault strike package will contain only Assault point streak rewards.

(I think the exception is Counter UAV - I feel like you might be able to get this from an Assault care package although it's a Support pointstreak)

The same applies for the Support pointstreak "Escort Airdrop" in the Support strike package; it will only drop Support pointstreak reward crates.

There are no "care package only" rewards similar to the way the Death Machine was in Black Ops.