Assassin’s Creed 3 – How to fix convoy’s ‘attacked’ status


My convoy has been attacked and i sent my mini-mes to deal with it. Strangely, they became available nearly instantly, despite the dialogue saying they would be occupied for 11 minutes. I don't remember any other announcements since then, my other convoys have made 2 trips already but the attacked convoy is still in limbo. I've checked the Frontier but the convoy defense icon isn't there. Can I get my convoy back in the game?

Best Answer

As long as Ubisoft does not release a patch: No, you won't get it back. It is a known bug, at least for the community, Ubi does not seem to care too much.

I lost mine when a convoy was attacked and I closed the game instead of trying to save it. Next time I started the game, the convoy was still under attack, but no way to save it.

Edit: Does not seem like Ubi would patch it soon. The Holiday Patch from Dec 18 fixes numerous bugs, but not the Convoy bug – which is listed already on the second page (of currently 101) in their official bugs thread.

Edit 2: Neither did Patch 1.03 fix this bug.

Edit 3: Patch 1.06? lol. As if they cared.