My followers keep dying! What am I doing wrong


My followers keep reproducing, and then leaving their huts. Shortly after they sit down on the ground and do nothing, and then shortly after that they drop dead!

enter image description here

Is this because of me not proving them with something that they need to survive or is the life cycle of these beings really short? Each time one of them dies I lose whatever the red number in the bottom left of the screen is (belief?)

My followers keep dying! What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You aren't clicking on them enough!

Or, more accurately, you might be clicking on their homes too much. Every time a villager comes out of their home to explore, they lose health. As they lose health, they weaken, and eventually die. That is what you're seeing when they sit down. They are in their final hours (seconds).

So make sure you click on them every once in a while! Especially if you see them sitting down. Or don't. You monster.