My spouse and kid disappeared after the battle for Windhelm


So, I am married to Revyn Sadri and I adopted Sofi as my kid and we all lived happily in my house in Riften. However, after I complete the reunification of Skyrim and killed Ulfric…They're gone. My other adopted kid is still there, but Revyn and Sofi have vanished. They're both from Windhelm, so I went back there, but no joy. Couldn't find them. Help? Please? Also note, I'm on a PS3. 🙂

Best Answer

I'm not quite sure what you should do but are you sure they weren't killed? How much time passed(game time) before you realized they were missing? After a certain period of time (again game time) the game "cleans" or removes the dead, also check the hall of the dead, bc if they have died they're remains or belongings could be in a coffin (I used to play PS3 skyrim 4-5yrs ago &just recently got the 1 for PS4 so I would most definitely get a second opinion)just putting my 2 cents out there 😊