My Zapdos won’t go through Poke Transport. How to tell if it’s legit


I bought a used copy of Pokemon Black at a video game store today. I booted it up and opened the old save, only to find a Lv 100 shiny Zapdos. I want to transfer it into my newer games, and I got Pokemon Bank and Transporter just for it. However, when I put it into Box One and tried to use Transport, it wouldn't work. It gave me an error screen, saying there were no Pokemon that could be transferred.

I looked up why, but the only useful info I could find was that it wouldn't let through Pokemon that weren't legit. I looked at its stats and move set, and it looked pretty legit. The stats were:

  • HP 294
  • Attack 209
  • Defense 185
  • Sp. Atk 256
  • Sp. Def 192
  • Speed 210,

Moveset: Fly, Drill Peck, Thunder, Rain Dance.

How can I tell if this Zapdos is legit?

Best Answer

The only possible reason it's not accepted by the Poké Transporter is that it's not legit.