FTL: Faster Than Light – Is There an Advantage to Reaching the Sector Exit Quickly?


If I have nothing else to do in the sector, and there is a large gap between my ship and the Rebels position, do I get any advantage in the next sector?

Best Answer

No. In fact, rushing through sectors places you at a disadvantage.

Exiting the sector early does not give you more time in the next sector. The rebels start in the same position, begin advancing at the normal time, and advance at the same rate they normally would (unless you're in a nebula system).

Speeding through a sector and exiting it as soon as possible reduces the amount of resources you will gain per sector. This will make the rest of the game much harder. To increase your chances of success, it's recommended that you rush toward the exit beacon, but then explore as many new systems near it as you safely can before the rebels catch up. You'll enter each new zone with more scrap and gear, which will dramatically increase your chances of success.