N easier way to find the Ultimate Weapon in FFVII


I'm on the 3rd disc in FFVII, and I'm at the point where I'd like to kill the Ultimate Weapon to unlock the Ruby Weapon.

I already fought the Ultimate Weapon at the crater near Junon, and fought it a second time at the North Crater. But since then, I haven't been able to find it–recently, at least. (I flew around in the Highwind for about 5 minutes, found it, fought it at Gongaga Village, decided to go into Sunken Gelnika, died there and forgot to save…moral of the story is to save often.)

So is there a pattern that the Ultimate Weapon flies in? Or can it be found easily flying around certain continents/areas? Or am I just screwed and have to search for it over the entire world map?

Best Answer

After each fight with the weapon he flies away and can be encountered around one of these locations:

  • Gongaga Village
  • Fort Condor
  • Midgar
  • North Crater
  • Junon Area
  • Mideel
  • Mt. Nibel
  • North Corel
  • Cosmo Canyon

He can only be defeated at cosmos canyon. He will flee if encountered anywhere else