N easy way to quit Assassins’ Creed on PC


If I'm in a memory inside the Animus (i.e. playing the game) and I want to quit the game completely, it seems like I have to follow this sequence of operations:-

  • Pause the game
  • Select 'Exit Memory'
  • Wait for the game to load the lab, with me inside the Animus user interface, then select 'Exit Animus'
  • While it's doing the animation for leaving the Animus, pause the game again
  • Select 'Exit game' and confirm
  • Wait for the title screen to load again
  • Select a profile from the menu
  • Select 'Exit'

Then the program exits completely. It seems implausible that the developers thought this was user-friendly, so is there a more direct way of leaving the program (and getting back to the Windows desktop) from inside a memory?

Best Answer

This was a very common complaint when the game first came out on PC and I don't think Ubisoft ever did anything to fix it.

That said, trying what the users suggested in the comments on your question and try Alt-F4. If that fails, it may be faster to kill the process. It should be auto-saving every time you do anything that needs to persist.