N equation or system of some sort to determine if a card is worth its mana cost


I was just wondering if there was an equation or way of finding out if a card(spell,minion,and weapon) is actually worth its mana cost. Also are there any decks which are based on value cards(cards which do more than they should for their cost)?

Best Answer

Almost all meta decks are based on value cards with the rest of the deck built around them.

Examples :

  • Secret Paladin with Mysterious Challenger
  • Midrange Hunter with Savannah Highmane, Ram Wrangler, Houndmaster, etc
  • Control Warrior with Varian Wrynn, Thaurissan, etc

There is no equation for the base worth of a card based on its mana cost as of the moment. The only numerical and reliable mechanic of seeing a deck's strengths right now is the win rates, and you won't be able to see the specific card win rates, but the deck win rates.

However, there are a lot of card tier lists where people assign scores on specific cards. These aren't derived off of some formula, but it depends on the card stats, effects, the current meta, and how it synergizes with everything else.

Some card tier list examples :

