N52te: program a long mouse button press


I have a Belkin n52te. I'm using the Razor programming software to program it. What I'd like to do is program it to hold down the right mouse button for 5s and then let go. I've tried recording that but it didn't work. I've tried putting a 5000 ms delay between the Button Down and the Button Release event but that also didn't work.

Anyone know how to do this? Anyone know of any good forums to search for this?

Edit: this is for Minecraft. I'd like to make a macro that presses the left mouse button for x number of seconds. Let's say 3. So my macro is:

Left Button Press

3000 ms

Left Button Release

That's exactly what I see on the screen. But that's not what I get when I run the program. I get a single left button press.

The behavior isn't restricted to Minecraft. The same thing happens in Notepad++.

Best Answer

Try using http://www.autohotkey.com/ with the following script:

    MouseClick, left, , , 1, 0, D
    Sleep 5000
    MouseClick, left, , , 1, 0, U

This will click the left mouse button for 5 seconds when pressing ctrl-alt-b.

This is regardless of inputdevice. To find out which keycode your device sends use the built in "Key history and script info" and replace the "^!b::" with the keycode found, ex: "SC132::".

More information about MouseClick http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/MouseClick.htm