Overwatch – Understanding Nano Boost’s Targeting Sensitivity


Last update on PTR added "Allows players to adjust Nano Boost’s targeting sensitivity". But what exactly Nano Boost’s targeting sensitivity is? I thought it is how exactly you need to aim at a target to use nano boost on it, but tried two extreme values of 100 and 10 and didn't notice any difference.

Best Answer

I'm getting information from this video.

Essentially, this sensitivity slider changes how accurate you need to be when attempting to use abilities on Friendly and Enemy heroes. When at a higher sensitivity, a player must be more accurate when targeting enemies and friendlies. At lower sensitivities, the targeting is a bit more forgiving.

In relation to Ana, this is to prevent the relatively common issue of Nano-boosting heroes unintentionally, and has even spawned a new meme of "BOOSTIOOOOOOO" when accidentally Nano-Boosting a Lucio, who happens to be a very mobile hero. Now, with a higher sensitivity, the user may need some more practice in aiming where they mean, but they have a much greater chance of actually boosting who they mean to.