Network graph in Battlefield 4? How to display it


In Battlefield V, using the settings menu, you can turn on the Network Performance Graph, as displayed in Fig-1.

Fig-1: The Network Performance Graph in Battlefield V:
enter image description here

In Battlefield 4, it is possible to open a graph of your CPU and GPU performance (Fig-2) using the console (Fig-3):

PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 1
PerfOverlay.GraphPos (1200,830)

Fig-2: The system performance graph in Battlefield 4:
enter image description here

Fig-3: The console in Battlefield 4 after some commands have been used to display the performance graph:
enter image description here

Now I was wondering, since there is a graph for the hardware, if there might also be some graph for the network performance. Or are there other ways of displaying connection data in game? If yes, than what are the console commands for displaying them?

The reason I am asking this is that I often have some of the connection icons show up and was interested in the actual data.

Best Answer

Yes according to this video.

To achieve this ingame goto:

Pause > Options > Gameplay > Advanced Options > Scroll down to Network Section > Set Network Graph to Show > Apply

It should pop up over the screen in the bottom right hand corner.