New graphics card causing internet lag spikes, but only while gaming

graphics card

Well I recently had an Nvidia GeForce GT 430 graphics card installed on my computer.Ever since then, I've had random lag spikes while gaming. Browsing the internet is fine, and my speed test and ping test remain the same. However, when playing games such as Wolf Team or COD: Black Ops, I'll periodically get 3-10 second lag spikes every 30 seconds or so in which I am usually killed. It's extremely frustrating. How can I fix this?

Note: all my drivers are up to date.

Best Answer

The 'lag' you see isn't necessarily your network card. It could be the bottleneck between your Graphics card and your CPU. What resolution do you run at? If you lower it, do you perform better? If you increase it (say to something like 1600x1200) does it do better?