New in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


There have been quite some Call of Duty games, so I'm wondering if a Modern Warfare 3 actually comes with some refreshing features that make it worth more than Modern Warfare 2.

What new features have been added to the game?

Best Answer

In a breif awnser

New single player missions carrying on where we ended MW2

Two new online game modes

Kill confirmed - Pick up dog tags of killed enemies to be credited with the kill or freindlys to deny the kill

Team Defender - First person who dies drops a flag the team who holds it longest wins

Kill streaks redesigned and a new form added where every 2 kills you get a new perk and at 8 you get all perks unlocked (Hardline does affect this meaning 7 kills for all)

New Spec ops missions ( Can be done on and offline)

And survival mode ( Can be done on and offline) - players fighting endless waves of enemies with each wave getting more difficult

Along with this weapons now have a thing called Proficiency where you have to level your gun up by using it to unlock things such as reduced kick and impact