No description on equipment stats


I have some idea of the stat icons and what they mean like poison resistance etc. But for everything else it's a complete guess. No text, and so far after searching online, nothing posted on it. Anyone have a link or a breakdown of the stat icons actually are on the equipment status menu of the game?

Best Answer

In case you didn't know, you can press Select (on PS3) or Back (on Xbox 360) to bring up a cursor that you can move around the screen to see a name and short explanation for every icon, on almost every menu and status screen that uses such icons.


DS2 icon help popup screenshot

If you're looking for a detailed breakdown of the actual math behind each stat, then:

  1. That information isn't in the game, in general; and
  2. You'd probably be better off making dedicated questions for each major stat group that you're concerned about, because there are simply too many different stats in the game to be reasonably addressed within the scope of a single question.