No longer recognized as Guild Master of the Thieves Guild


I completed the main quest, all of the city quests, all of the special quests, I have all of the venders. I was given access to the guild master chest ect. I have the guild master gear, and I even got the dialog changes for becoming the guild master.

Some time during my game play, this changed?

I went back to the Guild Hall and I had to pay to become a member again. I no longer get the dialog changes from all the NPCs for being the guild master. I still have access to the chests, but for the stones of Barenziah quest, the full member of the thieves guild requirement is no longer checked. I still have access to the venders that sell stolen things for you.

I don't really understand why I'm no longer recognized as the Guild Leader. D: Help!

Best Answer

You may have robbed, assaulted, or murdered a protected person or member. Also any crimes against the guild and you have to pay your guild bounty.