Node gathering on 2 other guest servers in guild wars 2


From what I read that besides my home server I can gather nodes (orichalcum, ancient wood) on 2 other guest servers. After I gathered on IOJ (home server) and tried guesting on SBI/JQ, I cant seem to find any nodes. This was in cursed shores/malchor leap.

So is there a way to find out which other 2 server, will have nodes spawn that I can gather?

Best Answer

Sure, seems like there's a website for everything GW2-related these days :-)

Simply go to and choose your server(s).

Note that the limitation of 2 servers is due to not being able to guest on more than two (non-home) servers at a time, not due to gathering limitations. You can even use the above site to choose which servers you'd like to guest to based on how many known nodes there are. It lists only top-level nodes (orichalcum/ancient wood/omnomberries, i.e. not mithril etc.), and of course if you find nodes that aren't already shown, you can add them simply by right-clicking and choosing the type of node. Obviously this is open to a bit of abuse but generally I've found it to be very accurate. You can also help out by confirming existing nodes via the right-click menu.

Nodes spawn each time a server restarts, so any time you need to download a new game update, the information becomes outdated and nodes may be at completely different locations on different servers (though there is a finite list of possible spawn locations).