Ny benefit to destroying non-target breakable objects


There are certain items in the environment that can be destroyed by attacking it but are not directly targetable. You can't click on them to destroy them (like breakable urns), you have to hold your ground in front of one and swing at it or shoot something at it.

e.g., fire urns in crypts
a fire urn

Are there any benefits to breaking these down?

As far as I can tell, breaking them doesn't count toward the "break stuff achievements" (Breaker, Destructor and Bull In A China Shop) and they don't seem to drop anything. It seems as they are only there for aesthetic reasons. But is there something that I'm missing?

Best Answer

Some destructibles that aren't directly targetable do nothing upon being broken, but there are a few that drop loot depending on the setting.

For example, crystals jutting out of the ground in caverns and mines can drop ember shards, which are hugely valuable for upgrading weapons and gear. However, most lanterns and other light-emitting objects give nothing.

Also, any destructible you hit continues building charge. So can destroy them while you travel around to maintain charge.

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