Ny move that cures the enethe pokemon’s status problems


I am currently engaged in a desperate struggle to capture the roaming legendary beasts. I have my sights set on Entei at the moment, having brought it down to 1 HP and paralyzed it. Sadly, it is still infuriatingly difficult to catch.

This was all done before I realized that applying the "sleep" condition is preferable than applying the "paralysis" condition for the purpose of capturing pokemon.

Seeing how you cannot afflict a pokemon with two status ailments, I would like to cure the Entei's paralysis so that I could make it sleep instead. Is there any move that will allow me to do this?

Best Answer

There are at least three ways. Unfortunately, none will work on your scenario.

Fling, when used with a corresponding status healing berry, should recover the status condition. However, it counts as a 10 Power attack prior to causing the effect, so you would not even be able to throw a Sitrus berry for healing before you would kill something at 1 HP.

Trick and all of its derivatives can be used to swap a status healing berry onto the target. None of the Legendary Beasts have held items to my knowledge, though, so this won't work.

Finally, the moves Wake-Up Slap and Smelling Salts will cure Sleep and Paralysis respectively. But not only do they do damage, they do double damage to such an afflicted Pokémon. So like Fling, not viable.