Stardew Valley – Should Starred Items Be Kept


Some crops and foraged items (and likely other classes of items) sometimes come with a silver or gold star next to them. Is there any reason to specifically hold onto these items?

Best Answer

1) As stated in a comment, there is a community centre package that requires Gold star crops. (Parsnips/Melons/Pumpkins/Corn, 5 of each)

2) In Fall, there is a festival where you will be able to show off some quality products and gain points based on their quality, so bringing higher quality items will net your more points.

3) Other than that, higher quality food will yield higher health/energy benefits.

4) I am unsure whether a higher quality items makes a "better" gift than the same item but with a lower quality, but that would be another reason to keep some good quality items.

I mostly sell the quality stuff myself and try and keep some good ones for the Fall festival.