Ny way of improving claw attacks by Khajiits


I'm playing as a Khajiit and I'm trying to figure out if there is any way of improving my claw attacks or my unarmed combat. If there isn't, there should be a certain point in the game where a weapon becomes of greater utility than unarmed combat, no? I'm asking because I was really surprised about how strong my claw attack was when I unequipped my dagger (still at the beginning of the game).

Best Answer

I chose Khajiit for the +15 damage claw attack among other things and was a bit disappointed they didn't at least scale it with your level. It really is a letdown .-. Despite this, I found another way.

I started off by upgrading my Heavy Armor tree. I put a point in Juggernaut then added another in Well Fitted. Upon next level up I went straight for the Fists of Steel perk. Now, I continue to max out everything that increases Armor Rating. Let me tell you this.. it's like having a 2-handed weapon in the form of your fist. I punch giants, trolls, dragons etc. to death with ease. It is true that you can improve weapons with Blacksmithing, but you can also improve armor. Meaning.. the stronger your armor rating on your Gauntlets.. the stronger your Unarmed Attacks will be. I got sick and tired of how inconvienient it was having to carry all those weapons around and decided this is what I was going to do. There is no better feeling in this game than the mass triumph punching a dragon in the face to death yields!

Also, as far as the unarmed damage enchantments go.. I suggest the +15 Heavy Armor Rating enchant if you want some balance of defense and power. Otherwise, stick to the +10 Unarmed Damage enchant :]

Note: I'm not at all saying this way of combat is better than any other. I'm saying that it is just as viable and can be an extremely fun/rewarding experience.