Overwatch – How to Dodge McCree’s Ultimate?


Might be a noob question but as far as I know, it can only be dodged by hidding behind a wall or shield (not even sure about the last one) so I was wondering if there's any way of dodging it, for example, doing the jump with Pharah or the dash with Genji.

Best Answer

Other than breaking line of sight, there is no general way of "dodging" it. There are character specific skills you can use to avoid it.

  • Reaper - Wraith Form
  • Mei - Ice Block
  • Genji Deflect(will generally one shot the mcree or anyone else you're targeting while deflecting btw, damage is based on the time the mcree channels before firing.)
  • Reinhardt/Winston/Zarya shields seem to work as well, though I've never done this myself.

Basically anything that can make you immune to projectile damage should work, if timed properly. Otherwise, your only option is to kill him first or break line of sight.