Saints Row The Third – How to Force a Survival Challenge to Start


One of the things I still have left to do is a whole bunch of survival challenges. These challenges occur when a friend of the Saints calls you on your cell and asks you to show up at a location and kill or survive waves of enemies.

However, it seems like these calls only happen randomly, and I haven't figured out any sort of pattern to them. I don't have much left to do except for these, so I'd like some way of "forcing" them to start. Is there any way to do this?

Best Answer

I know the full strategy now;

  • You only get calls when you're on foot, so avoid entering any vehicles till you get a call
  • You also can't have any notoriety at that time
  • You won't get called while on a mission or activity
  • Entering diversions (like vehicle surfing or hostage) cancel the challenge

The location you're in doesn't seem to matter as I've gotten calls that sent me from one side of the map to the other.