Ny way to get Mr. Mendel to shorten his spiel


Every time I enter the shed in Flower Town, Mr. Mendel goes on and on about how to become a Master Gardener, seed shapes, and what fun going to the mall is. Is there a way to skip his dialog, or is there anything I can do to give me the short version of his jibber-jabber?

Best Answer

As with other SteetPass games, holding R will make the text speed by. Also, as you progress in the game, Mr. Mendel will talk less:

  • After completing 2 or 3 jobs satisfactorily, he will stop mentioning that you can do jobs for Ms Bloom.
  • After growing a Rare Plant, he'll quit talking about them.
  • After you become a Master Gardener, he'll stop talking about that and the journal. I think this is when he finally stops talking about all the shops at the mall, too.

Even after all of this, he will continue to mention one tip each time after your guests enter your courtyard.