Ny way to get returning player content on PC without previously playing


I have GTA V for PC but now I see the "returning player exclusive" stuff. I did not have GTA V on consoles (nor did I have a console) and as such I want the extra stuff. Is there a way to do that? Could I log into a friends PS3 and transfer my character to there and back? I know there is a mod that unlocks it for single player, and I think it can be used in multiplayer, however there is the risk of getting banned/files messed up. Could I have logged into a console version before installing it on PC and gotten the extra content that way? Thanks.

Best Answer

If a reward or unlock is marked as any form of exclusive, that is the only legitimate way to unlock it. That is why it is called an exclusive unlock, and not just an unlock.

I would normally tackle a problem like this by ticking off what needs to be done on console at a friends house; However, when I looked it up I found the content is not simply unlocked by playing the game on the console. You unlock the content through your character progression, and when you transfer your character over, the exclusives unlock. The transfer is a once per character offer and does not allow you to transfer from PC, Xbox One or PS4.

TLDR: You can not, legitimately. Even if you unlock it properly, you will need to do so on a new character