Ny way to know how many pokemon you have


Is there any way to know how many Pokemon you currently have either on your team or in your PC? Is there any way to know which species of Pokemon you currently own? For example, if you have a Charmander and then he evolves to Charmeleon, Charmander doesn't count because you have a Charmeleon, not a Charmander.

I'm looking for both in-game solutions as well as those making use of third-party applications (like an Android application).

Best Answer

There is a website/webapp that provides a Pokedex style Checklist.

Each Pokemon has a check-box next to it which you can tick to mark if you currently have it or not.

If it evolves, you can simply untick it if you don't have a duplicate.

I'm not sure how the site stores the information so I assume it's locally which means the moment you clear your cache/history etc, you may lose your checklist and unfortunately it's not up-to-date with X and Y Pokemon yet.

The website can be found here. I don't think there is an iOS or Android app though. Good luck.