Ny way to save defaults for auto/tilt steering, and auto acceleration in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


Basically every time I play Mario Kart 8 – at least after having played anything else – I have to pause immediately after starting the first race to change everyone's settings.

I get that part of that is sort of an unavoidable function of how the switch needs to be re-taught which controllers are doing what after you've switched them around. But it'd save a lot of hassle if there's a way to at least set "defaults." (Like, for example… oh, I dunno, say… "Never ever EVER assume tilt steering is what anyone wants here, kay?")

Is there any way to set steering and assistance defaults, or to otherwise reduce how often I have to reset everyone's settings at the start of each new session?

Best Answer

You can deactivate the tilt commands and auto-drive from the kart selection screen (in it, press + then you should be able to see the commands to deactivate them, Y and R if I remember correctly)