Ny way to stop wildfires


Given that this happened, I'm wondering if there's anything you can do to stop a wildfire that's gone out of control. As far as I've played (which admittedly isn't very far), I've never found a way to carry around water or anything.

Is there any way that I can stop a wildfire that's tearing through my forest biome or do I simply have to wait for it to run out of things to burn?

Best Answer

Sadly no, there's no way to stop any kind of fire, you're just supposed to let it die on its own.

You can act preventively, setting up your crops and your eventual reserve of wood with enough space to reduce the damages, but in the end, in case of fire, you can just sit back and collect charcoal and ashes afterwards.

Even rain, that by logic should help controlling the fire, actually makes the fire consume the objects more quickly.