Ny way to use Hearthstone/BattleNet on an account under parental control


I have a Windows PC with Hearthstone running fine on my Administrator account (Account A).
I would like to have it working in an account with Parental Controls (we'll call Account B), which in turn means that it can't be an Administrator account.

When I attempt to run from Account B, it displays this error message.
I know that Blizzard says "Our games require admin access to run and update" but I was looking for a work-around.

Any solution would be appreciated.

PS. I'm a Linux guy, and not really proficient with Windows.

Best Answer

According to a Battle.net thread I found on this same issue, Account B needs full read/write permissions for C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment

Alternatively, try running Battle.net "As Administrator" on Account B, this might require an admin password.

Solutions found in this thread: http://us.battle.net/en/forum/topic/11747004646

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