On second thought, I’m tired of guards killing me


I recently posted a question, "How do I get the Worst Reputation possible" For Skyrim, I followed all of your helpful tips community, and everyone is out to get me. Alas, I am tired of my life of crime and would like to know: Are there any exact quests that make people act more positive when you walk near? i.e. Change the usual statement they make when you pass by? And other stuff like that. Because apparently being the Dragon Born Hero is not good enough for these people!

Best Answer

Only guards comment on your feats (positive ones), such as:

  • Completing the main quest
  • Joining a faction (such as dark brotherhood etc)
  • Having a high proficiency in a skill (destruction, alteration, lockpicking, etc)
  • The local guards will comment on local quest completions


Other NPCs in the world will not comment on anything you've done, unless their specific scripted to that event. For example, completing a quest for an NPC may cause them to have a different dialog for you when you walk past them or interact with them.