Operation Bloodhound “Side Mission” Progression


I recently started playing my first ever CS:GO mission assignment.
Upon looking around at the available missions, I noticed most form a path that leads me to earn some stars, allowing me to rank up my Challenge Coin.
However, there are some missions that form a path to, seemingly nothing, as shown in the picture below.

CSGO Missions

What is the point of completing these missions?

Be it some extra bonus for completing them all, or simply for the extra experience points they give out, I'd like to know why they are there.

Best Answer

I'm assuming they're there for several reasons:

People like objectives

Give people something to do apart from playing the game mindlessly, and enjoyment rates shoot up.

Experience points

Each mission gives exp., so more missions = more exp.

The challenge

People are always up for a challenge. Bragging rights are a part of it as well. "Well, I did that mission, because it's harder, and even though I gain nothing by it, I'd like to show it off".


Owning the operation gives you two additional weekly drops, but completing missions does not enhance drops