Fortnite Battle Royale – Should You Kill a Knocked Opponent? Pros and Cons


When watching fortnite streamers who like to duo or go in squads, I often see some of the better players not immediately killing the enemies that they have knocked. What's their reason for not finishing them off?

Best Answer

There are few reasons and/or strategies either way.

You should concentrate on the alive and shooting enemie(s) instead of killing off the defenceless ones. The knocked out opponents will still be there after your next fight, but if you start finishing them immediately, their friend(s) will come and kill you and you've lost the game.

Eventually you will acquire a gaming sense where you'd know if you can afford to kill a downed enemy based on the location of their friend(s).

You can also add the factor of strategy into this. You can pretend to be finishing off a downed enemy and quickly turn towards the location of their friend(s). They would assume you wouldn't be expecting them, as they can see the red bar of the knocked teammate going down fast.

You can also use a knocked-down opponent as bait. Generally, teams would try to help each other, so if you start finishing off a downed enemy, their friends might try to save them and get out of hiding.


Finish off a knocked opponent if you're safe from counter attack, otherwise always shoot the living first so that you don't lose the game by getting killed yourself.