Overwatch – Better XP Gain in Quick Match or Ranked


I know quick match is a single game and ranked can be "Best of 3" or Best of 5". But in comparison which one is better for XP gaining?

Best Answer

In a general sense, Quick Matches will gain you XP faster, but this may not hold true across the board. The explanation can be found on this post from a thread on the Battle.net forum:

At the moment, the XP awarded at the end of the match follow theses rules.

  • Each seconds in a match : 4.01 XP
  • Match finish : 250 XP
  • Match won : 500 XP
  • Consecutive bonus : 200 XP
  • Gold Medal : 150 XP
  • Silver Medal : 100 XP
  • Bronze Medal : 50 XP

For this argument, let's say in the time it takes to do 1 competitive match, you did 2 quick play match. Let's assume you played for a total of 15 minutes in both type of play and got gold in all matches and won the matches.

Competitive XP = 3609XP (time) + 250XP (finish) + 500 XP (victory) + 150XP (gold medal) = 4509XP or 18036XP/h

Quick play (for both games combined) = 3609XP (time) + 500 (finish) + 1000 (victory) + 300 (gold medal) + 200XP (Consecutive match) = 5609XP or 22436XP/h.

As you see, you gain more XP when the matches are fast and less when the matches last longer. Also, you lose the consecutive bonus in competitive play and the medal after each rounds. This make competitive play far less rewarding for the sole purpose of XP grinding.

And this is not even considering that the time in queue for quick play is generally far less than the time in queue for competitive...
