Pg up//Pg dn not scrolling in Skyrim’s Console Command panel


It's always worked fine, but when I decided to play today it wasn't working..

How I discovered it::

I found my follower had 800+ Ebony Arrows on him, I don't play "OP", so when I was trying to take a couple hundred of them away I went to search help "Ebony Arrow" to get the ID and I couldn't scroll up through the results with the PageUp key.

Never happened before be it just wasn't responding. but I know that mods literally can not effect the Console Command panel, so I doubt it's any of my mods. But it's kinda irritating. Please Help!?

Best Answer

It seems to be a problem with running skyrim on a laptop. If that's the case, the only solution I've been able to find in to get another usb keyboard to connect to your laptop. If you're not playing on a laptop, or can't get a usb keyboard, then I honestly have no other solutions.

I've been trying to find a solution to this as well.