Picking up desirable objects from a pile


Nowadays I have seen a few piles where people have discarded L1-L3 resonators, XMP bursters and (for some reason) even some portal keys; presumably because of the new 2k limits.

Unfortunately, when I came across such a trove; my only option was to repeatedly 'acquire' items one by one. Even when I saw the flash of green that indicated portal keys, it was covered by resonators & bursters so I kept getting those first.

  • Is there an easier way to pick up only items that you want, something like filtering for only bursters or portal keys in a mixed group?
  • Can we pick up 'all' items, or even better 'all of X type' items in such a case?

Best Answer

The scanner app at version 1.12.5 enforces the new limit but doesn't give a way to do bulk, or type specific pickups. I too wish you could filter the view to hide items, or items of a certain type.