Place that compares Halo CE and Anniversary glitches


Is there a site or someplace that has a list of glitches in Halo CE and compares them to ones that still exist in Halo CE Anniversary?

I've notice many still exist, like the 3 weapon glitch, and the ride the pelican, but I've also noticed some that were removed, like the getting on top of silent cartographer. Is there a nice list I can find somewhere that discusses what 'fixes' were made?

Best Answer

You can still get on top of the Silent Cartographer, I've been up there you can move through the all the new scenery up there. Halo Anniversary literally is Halo CE with new graphics thrown over it, a vast majority of the code is exactly as it was in Halo CE. I'd wager that all of glitches in Halo CE are still present in Halo Anniversary.