Play Battlefield 4 with friends who don’t own DLCs’


If I get BF4 premium, can I still play with friends who don't have the DLCs/expansion packs?

I know obviously they wouldn't be able to experience the DLC content, but would I still be able to play with them? What else do I need to know about this?

Best Answer

Yes you can.

You and your friends will still be able to play together, however only on non-DLC maps. Make sure you check the map rotation of any server you join*. Once the server starts on a DLC map, the server will kick your friends from the game as they do not have the required content.

*To check map rotation, navigate to Server Info:

  • In Server Browser press: Y [Xbox]; Triangle [PlayStation]; View Full Server Page [PC]
  • In Game: Pause Menu - Server Info