Play n64oid saves on laptop

emulationnintendo-64windows 7

Is there any way to play the game saves from n64oid on my Win7 laptop? Basically I'd like to be able to hook up my USB controller and take over from a game save I have from traveling and playing on my Android phone. Project64 seems to be incompatible with the game saves, so I tried Mupen64plus which appears to use similar save files, but it still didn't want to seem to read them. Maybe the saves would only work on linux?

The attribution in n64oid says:

N64oid is a port of Mupen64plus along with Ari64's ARM Dynarec (and Gles2N64 as an option). The follow lists the N64oid's plugins that are based on them:


Curious to see if anyone has tried this and if anyone has any other ideas. I'm not horribly familiar with Mupen64plus, but I was able to get it to play the rom, it just didn't seem to like my save files. I'll try and update with the exact error if I can reproduce it.

FWIW, the game I'm playing is Zelda – Ocarina of Time and I DO have a legal copy. 🙂

Best Answer

If you're talking about savestates, most likely not. The savestates emulators use are often raw dumps of the emulated memory + the emulator's state information; even among different ports of the same emulator this information could vary wildly, especially when porting between different CPUs (x86 to ARM, in this case.)

Your best bet might be to save in game to a Memory Pak or such a thing and then try loading that file on your desktop's emulator. Save files are often compatible between different emulators because they're often just a raw copy of the (S)RAM those devices contain.