Play PUBG on Remix OS


Is there any special task needed to run PUBG on RemixOS Android 6.0? I've downloaded and installed PUBG on RemixOS but after Tencent logo, a just black screen is coming. I've also installed Google Play Games properly on RemixOS.
Is something missing?

Best Answer

Because RemixOS is meant to be use in multiple computers, it does not have 3D rendering on non-Intel GPUs. A quote from the issue tracker:

Currently Remix OS has poor GPU support for non-Intel chips so in case if system can't load dedicated GPU driver, system will load in software rendering mode (handled by CPU - lower performance).

When you try to play games that require hardware for 3D rendering, you will get a black screen (Asphalt 8) or a complete crash (aka <app> has stopped working).

Please note that this happens on both Remix OS PC and Remix OS Player.