Playing Destiny with a friend in another continent, viable


I moved abroad and I wanted stay in touch with a friend, so we decided to buy a PS4 (we didn't buy it yet) and try to play some games.

This game called Destiny seems fun, but I got a question, are we going to be able to play even when I live in Denmark and he lives in Argentina?. Or the lag is going to be so bad that it's not gonna work?.

The idea is to play coop missions, don't really care about PvP or anything like that.

Best Answer

Since nothing is getting updated in here.

Playing Co-op across country is completely viable, i have not noticed any connection problems so while playing internationally, including my very bad internet and a Type-3 NAT on my PS4 (which heavily influences online play usually)

The Distance i played was from Germany with Canada and Hungary and we had no problems with lag whatsoever.

Quick edit: After reading up on it a bit more, turns out Destiny uses a Hybrid networking system of Server-Client based play and Peer-to-Peer connections. It switches to a non non-critical Peer-2-Peer Connections during open roaming areas and then switches to dedicated Servers for the critical Strikes and Raids. Which is the complete opposite of what i expected