Pokemon Go – Are All Variations of Unown Available?


One of the more unique Pokémon that exists in Generation II is Unown, which contains 26 variations that correspond with the 26 letters in the Latin Alphabet; 28 including ? and ! released in Generation III

enter image description here

Now that Generation II has been released in Pokémon Go, can we expect to see all 26 variations of Unown, or are there specific ones that are available?

Best Answer

The 26 variations are available !

Once you catch one Unown a new badge appears (called Unown) and the gold medal requires you to catch 26 Unown :

enter image description here

(However I don't know if they need to be different or if the same letter still counts as progress in the badge.)

Here is a list of all the 26 Unown variations I found on the web :

This reddit post is also referencing all the unown variations